Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Skittles and Combos

Today I found out that I'm supposed to write a children's book for Biology that will actually be donated to an elementary school. Methinks I can really traumatize some child.

I've decided to write about the epic story of the fish in our classroom's tank. What started out as 8 happy fish has been wittled down to 3. There's a huge fish that ate some of the other ones named Mobes after Moby Dick. There's one ghost fish left that swims in place and you can see through. And then there's this little guppy that's somehow survived the decimation of his friends. The story will be about him. I think he's gonna stand up to Mobes and teach the kids a valuable lesson about bullies or survival of the fittest (I haven't decided if he lives or dies). Lately, Izzy (as the guppy was named today (we were just calling him the pansy fish, but decided that we can't use that term around kids (it's like Ahhhnold saying "girly man"))) has been hiding in the filter so as not to get eaten. Mrs. Adams took him out of the filter once, but he keeps going back in there, so she's started feeding him in there.

In this case art will imitate life as I tell the story of "Izzy's Underwater Adventure." Through the story as fish die, I'll just say that they escaped to the ocean.

Other people are writing about the immune system, and Dan has the idea of Nemo's dead mother having a virus that infected the barracuda that ate her, but that's another story.

While I was watching everyone working and talking about their books I realized: She's turned the class into a book factory hoping to get something good to send to a publisher. Sure she tells us it's a project grade, but I see right through that...

Disclaimer: I do not truly believe that Mrs. Adams will try to publish our books and / or take credit for them to make money. I was just kidding. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

haha.. aha... your title is so totally random... i love it... we wanted everybody to know, we love skittles and combos... so bring them to our next show...da dum..

bartholdy's slave said...

it is fun, a heartwarming story. i would read it, and don't worry about tramatizing children. most if not all of the kids in the world are much more seasoned than we were at that age.

Andrew said...

Wow, Laura! I didn't think anyone would recognize the title. Dan and I were looking up Relient K lyrics online, and we found that one. He titled his post "Pepperoni!"

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact that Mrs. Adams is trying to get a book published. One of the brighter students, who will remain anonymous, created a masterpiece, that, unfortunately, due to its graphic nature, could not be sent to elementary schools. However, instead of having him change his project, she is still making him right it... for one reason and one reason alone-to publish it!!! Although, I heard from reliable sources that the student is also getting a cut of the profits....