With all brain functioning momentarily shut down, we were able to bask in the hilarious antics of the psychotic Houdini penguins. These guys stole every scene they were in. That's saying a lot when the other characters consisted of a hypochondriac giraffe, an arrogant lion, a mellow hippo, and an identity-confused zebra.
The lemurs were hilarious as well. I'll have the "Move it, move it" song stuck in my head for weeks. The self-proclaimed Lord of the Lemurs, King Julian XIII was also a funny addition to the cast.
Overall, the movie is a great choice if you want to just sit back and be entertained with your friends. Its humor is sometimes over the top, but sometimes you need to just laugh.
"Just smile and wave."
By the way, Dallas posted; he has me worried again...
"no thinking required?"
certainly there was a message to this movie? animated flicks often teach the most profound lessons...
While typing I considered adding "I'm sure if you tried to think about it that there would be a deeper meaning" but on the surface level, no brain function is required.
After the fact I thought about the inner desire to be "home." I don't know if that came more from the movie or from Heaven is a place on Earth. And in that sense, I'm not being Gnostic. I realize that we should be longing to be truly human again on earth, and not for heaven. By the way, Dave, that is a really good book from what I read so far.
Leave it to Dave to look for a hidden message in a movie where you just want a good laugh :) I agree, the peguins and the lemurs stole the show. Although, I love when the main animals are talking about where they should go and Melman chimes in, "How 'bout Canada? They have cheap meds". The fact the the giraffe had health problems was halarious. Have a good day!
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