My friends
Influence me
That all I need to succeed is to take a puff of this weed
Rays of embarrassment reveals images of my face ‘cause I know better
Once upon a time I promised myself I wouldn’t sway
any way the wind blows
I have dreams of being a Model
And a novelist
You may laugh and say my dreams are unrealistic
I REFUSE to be another drug abuser teen statistic.
This rap is from a commercial that's on Channel One at school everyday. In my Bio class we've almost memorized the whole thing. The girl that wrote it, Shacoya, is my new idol:
Hello. Are you on drugs? Good bye. (you are in violation of copyright 191247 section A paragraph 2 sentence number three)
I am the blog police.
I am watching you.
Andrew, I would just like to say that I agree whole-heartedly with shaq-oya. That commercial changed my life and I have been drug free ever since... I also have been trying to avoid the heavy heel of the blog police, and encourage you to continue violating copyright laws! DONT LET THEM INTIMIDATE YOU!!! LIVE ON, BROTHER!!!!
LOOK OUT. Andrew is using undue censorship. Ive commented on almost all of these blogs, and he keeps censoring it. HES A COMMI!!!!! STOP HIM!!!!!!!!!!!
in fact, im sure hes about to censor this one as you read it.
-Lance Armstrong
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