Thursday, May 19, 2005

Episode III

All I can say is that it is definitely better than Episodes I and II. I'm still too tired to form a real opinion on the movie. I was entertained. That means that I was wowed by some of the cinematics, amazed at some of the fight scenes, and made to laugh at a lot of the dialogue.

There was a quote in the movie that I consciously thought, "I want to blog about this," but I can't remember it word for word, nor the exact context, so I'll post about it after I see it again with a lot of my friends tomorrow.

I'm 17 today. It feels no different. I can go see R-rated movies now. No big deal. The only thing that I'll enjoy is the freedom to not have to be home by midnight every single time I go out. So many times my friends have been watching a movie or something that I have to miss the last half of because I couldn't drive after midnight.

My English class is almost over now, so I've got to go. I have to admit that I accomplished nothing in class. I don't know when I'll actually do all of the research for this essay, but it'll get done.

If you haven't seen Episode III, I'll whet your appetite with this: Yoda and Chewbacca in the same scene.


><> Sarah <> said...

Happy Birthday!! I hope your day is going well. Everyone makes a big deal about turning 16, but it didn't feel any different for me, so I see where you're coming from about turning 17.

I heard good things about Episode 3 today. A guy in my band gave it "27 out of 5 stars". I heard that the special effects are cool. Aren't you tired? People in my classes were pretty much asleep and couldn't remember parts of the movie because they were half asleep at the theater. I'm excited to see it- got my ticket yesterday. See you then! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Andrew said...

Thanks! I had a good day. It was the first time all school year that I didn't hit snooze before I got out of bed... weird. I'm sure I'll crash tonight. The lady that sold me the tickets at the Cinema said that with a group this big we should get there an hour early to make sure we sit together. I'll get there as close to 7pm as possible. See you there.

bartholdy's slave said...

hee hee hee....