I highly recommend this game; it's a lot of fun to play and even more fun to watch someone else play.
Nothing else is really going on today. This is the most blog-worthy event as of late.
I'm actually kind of bored this week since my little brother is up at Grace Adventures for camp.
"Jesus Freak" just came on the radio. I can't listen to this song anymore without picturing Dave rapping on stage for the Junior High Parents Night.
Tomorrow is the second-to-last Lunch Bible Study at noon. We'll be at the Burger King on Henry. Hope to see you guys there!
ha ha
whoops, that ^ was me, i hit enter by accident. what i meant to say was:
ha ha! dave was a funny rapper.
I love Donkey Kong!! I should talk to my brother about getting a game cube so he can get the game. I'd probably consume myself in that all day though.
Jesus Freak. wow. I can't believe Dave attempted that on Parent's Night of all nights. I can see him doing that for the Junior Highers, but running the risk of humiliation in front of all the parents...
Only one more Lunch Bible Study left for you. Then you will officially no longer be a high schooler. I will have to miss the last one thanks to Mr. Maynard. I love band camp:\ Have a good week!
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