Monday, January 10, 2005

Twas the Week Before Exams...

...And all through the school, not a soul was excited, ... Friggin Idiot!!! I can't rhyme!

The dreaded week of projects, tests, reviews, practice exams, and such is upon us.

Many students believe that the exam week is the most stressful week of the year, but I disagree. We have 1 day off and 4 half days. Even if there are exams, what can get better than that schedule?

This week is going to be much harder than next, at least for me.
I've got a Bio Test, Bio Lab, Psycho Test, 1/2 of my Spanish Exam, an English Project, and whatever other strange things my teachers can come up with to "ready us" for their exam.

But it's no big deal, I don't need these grades. They don't really matter. I can't be "unaccepted" to college. Because it's 2005, and I graduate!!!!


The Man said...

But Calvin wouldn't kick me out. I mean, Calvin and I, we're like this *twists fingers together*. Unless I fail everything and go off on some alcoholic ramage, I should be fine. Andrew on the other hand...

Andrew said...


What did I tell you about hinting at my drinking tendencies?!?!?

At least I don't smoke pot.

Anonymous said...

I just have to say that i love your personality, andrew. You rock my socks off. i love your quirky quotes and ubsurd tendencies. Thanks for brightening my day!