Friday, January 28, 2005

Of Entissions

Entissions are a very scary thing to some people. This is because many people are afraid of what they don't understand, and quite frankly, there are few who understand entissions. The entissionary events of last year's English class gave me the appreciation for a fair sprinkling of entissions. They entissionously helped my through a rediculous writing assignment as if they were a gift from the great Todd himself.

Joy Williams, however, is the anti-entission. She was unable to incorporate entissionary evidence into her paper, rendering it useless. Her minions blinded judges into calling her essay one of "America's Best," but the use of entissions on my behalf unveiled how horribly writter her essay was.

For these reasons, entissions are awesome, and you really shouldn't be afraid of them. They can really help you out when you have two pages of crap to write, but no real ideas as to how to fill them.

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