Thursday, January 06, 2005

It's a Snow Da.... Nope, not in Muskegon...

Western Michigan in the winter.

Winter storm warnings, weather advisories, icy roads, and snow, snow, snow.

We have all of these things, but it is not enough for the Muskegon County superintendents. Despite the fact that roads are horrible, icy, and snow-covered and that almost every school in Kent and Ottawa counties are closed, not a single school in our county decided to close.


Because of the, dare I say, absurd system of school closings we have. My school will not close unless Muskegon Public does. My brother's school won't close unless Fruitport does. Fruitport won't close unless Shores or Grand Haven does. So, unless one superintendent is bold and thinks for himself, no school gets cancelled.

In light of this, I leave you with an amusing and unrelated news story.

Cops: Mom Used Hammer on Son Over Homework

And this, my friends, is why you should never wait to start your homework.

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