Thursday, February 24, 2005

Of Spaghetti Bridges and Clue games

Have any of you built a bridge made only of spaghetti noodles and Elmer's glue?

I thought not.

This absurd project will be due a week from tomorrow, and all I've done is buy the spaghetti and glue, but I guess I had to start somewhere. I'll let you know how my civil engineering endeavor fares as it rests over a river of marinara while supporting little bow-tie and shell shaped people.

(For those of us who are confused, *coughDallascough*, this bridge is not really being made for a world of spaghetti people, it's just to support weight in my Physics class).

In other, less boring news, Family Clue night at my church is tomorrow, so I'll be donning strange clothing and creating a neurotic personality to help the participants gather information so they may uncover the mystery behind "the mysterious disappearance of Dr. Ed Boddie."

This will be my 4th Clue game, and they are always a lot of fun. In the past, I've been a mechanic, chef, and a neurotic old man who was actually Dr. Boddie. They've all been fun characters, and I'm sure that this time will be no different.

Guess what?

I've gone 5 days straight with no lemonade accidents. I guess it was just a fluke.


><> Sarah <> said...

Hi Andrew!
Nice blog! I enjoy reading your stories about lemonade and spaghetti bridges. :) Thanks for your comments on my blog. Clue was really fun tonight! Talk to you on Sunday. ~Sarah

Andrew said...

Yeah, Clue was fun, there were some really funny characters this time.