Monday, April 24, 2006

3 out of 4

As of this morning, I am done with 3 of my 4 classes for the semester! Turning in my Anatomy Final felt so good, despite being unsure of my grade.

My Philosophy class had their exam on Friday during class, so I didn't even have to show up this week, and my entire Writing grade comes from my portfolio that I turned in that same day. Now, all I have left to do is take a Statistics exam that I'm fairly confident about. Life is good.

David, Ryan, and I went out to Subway for lunch today. It was so cool to be home mid-morning on a Monday.

I only have this week and next left at Hage's. I wasn't heavily scheduled over these next two weeks, but 2 of my coworkers offered me some of their hours, so I won't just be sitting at home bored.

I'll be at Grace 5 weeks from tomorrow. I'm getting really excited and really anxious. I just hope I'll be able to make a good impact on my guys this summer. I always had awesome counselors every summer, and it's very daunting to try and live up to them. I guess the only way to find out is to just dive right in. (almost 2 weeks of staff-training should help, too)

In the meantime, I'm thinking about getting a new title / layout for my blog. I've had this layout since I started, and I've had this title for almost as long. What do you guys think? Any ideas? Comments? Suggestions?

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