Saturday, September 03, 2005

That Seagull is a Work of Art...

If you don't know what the title means, don't ask. I might be able to tell you later.

The last half of my school week went much better than the first half. My new Economics class will be a piece of cake. My Chemistry class is looking like it will be mostly review, but it will require a lot of my time. My Classical World class is getting better, and I'm looking forward to some of the stuff we're going to learn about Greek civilization. The Iliad and The Odyssey are two books I've been wanting to read, and this class gives me that opportunity.

I ran into Dan Quist today while walking out of my Econ class. For the majority of you that don't know him, Dan was my counselor at GYC two summers ago when I was on the Tim Team. He's in his senior year of studying to be a High School History teacher. He does a great impression of Robert "Goulet."

Sarah, Dallas, David, Becca, Melissa, and I went to see Red Eye tonight. I thought it was a good movie, but there were definitely some parts that we laughed at that weren't supposed to be funny.

After the movie Sarah, David, Dallas, and I attended to a very important task at a friend's house (the point of the title)... When we finished, we patted ourselves on the back and all went home.
Dallas set off my car alarm, and I think he might have woke up the Keurs. Oh well.

I'm looking forward to the start of the new school year with the Jr. Highers. We had a farewell "ceremony" for the 8th graders last Sunday, and this week the new 6th graders move up and we'll have a welcoming "ceremony." I think my brother is excited about finally being in youth group.

In Conversations, we've been talking about the Church in culture and where we fit in. Do we seclude ourselves to the extreme or do we completely immerse ourselves in culture to the point that we are fine with sin and are being negatively influenced by it? Obviously the ideal spot would be somewhere in between. I think I should be a little bit more immersed in culture than I am now, but I'm not sure exactly how that should play out. Any thoughts?

Where's the balance between becoming a part of culture because we live here and we need to be able to relate to the people that God is trying to reach out to and keeping ourselves from being negatively influenced?

I'd like to keep on typing because my thoughts normally become clearer as I type them out, but I'm a little too tired and it could end up a jumbled mess. (Even more jumbled than this post already is.)

Buenas Noches!


Anonymous said...


keith sandison said...

I think I may have found a way to baptize yourself in culture without actually getting wet...but when I've read Radical Reformission, I shall likely have a clearer vision of what exactly that is. And yes, Brother Andrew, it will apply directly to you, do not worry.

><> Sarah <> said...

I'll agree with your title- considering the lighting was not the best for such a difficult task :) I don't think my parents were awake when we got to my house because they didn't mention anything about hearing an abnoxious car alarm. What was Dallas thinking? His job was at risk!

I'm glad to hear the rest of your week went better. Econ sounds like a completely different difficulty level than what your spanish would have been. Everything works out for the good.

Hope the "ceremony" goes well tomorrow morning. Talk to you later.

keith sandison said...

I think seagulls are beautiful, especially the matures birds, the purest of white,like the ocean surf, lined with silver.