Monday, June 06, 2005


eKINGDOMS are the newest trend in youth group happenings.

eKINGDOM is such a new term that it hasn't been professionally defined, but I shall try.

eKINGDOM - an online community of people that pretend as if they are living in a kingdom and carrying out specific duties.

Right now there are 3 eKINGDOMS that have been started in our Calvary circle of friends. The original and best eKINGDOM was designed by Ladius. His is a generic medieval kingdom with some very "interesting" followers. His eKINGDOM is the most active and popular of the 3.

The second eKINGDOM created was by Sir Hagan O'Donnell. It is known as eIRELAND. For a while he was just antagonizing our eKINGDOM and pretending to fight an eWAR, but in reality he had no followers. Currently, the eKINGDOM and eIRELAND are in a state of peace and eIRELAND has a few more eCITIZENS. The state of peace between eIRELAND and eKINGDOM was never made official because Sir Hagan refused to sign a treaty. Rumors have it that he will launch another attack on the eKINGDOM within the week.

The third eKINGDOM started has maybe 1 0r 2 eCITIZENS. It is known as eRUSSIA and is run by its communist leader King Rodion IV. They currently are allies with eIRELAND, but their relationship has been on shaky ground.

It's a little childish and crazy, but we can't act "grown up" all the time. If you'd like to participate and have a role in the original eKINGDOM, consider this an open invitation to join. Just visit us and go post that you would like a position. For ideas, there is a list of positions towards the bottom of the page. Of course you can always come up with your own.

*In true Kingdom of Heaven fashion* GOD WILLS IT!


bartholdy's slave said...

i wanna eKINGDOM!

Andrew said...

You may join ours at