This triggered a few thoughts in my head:
First, I remembered Joey waking up our team with that song every morning the first year I went on Survivor.
Second, I thought to myself, "Self, why did the Veggie Tales people even write that song?"
Third, I started to actually search for some hidden substance to that song aside from the basic love story between a piece of produce and his cheeseburger.
Perhaps the song is teaching us a lesson about patience and the faithfulness of God. The cheeseburger lover sought after his cheeseburger, but the employee told him that he'd have to wait for his cheeseburger because it was too late at night. In a similar way, there are times in every Christian's life when God seems distant because sin is clouding our vision and we can't tell that God is still right there with us just as the employee got in his way from attaining his cheeseburger, even though I'm sure he could have gotten a cheeseburger if he had looked hard enough or bypassed the employee.
Next, the cheeseburger lover waited in the drive-thru till sunrise, holding out with patience until the cheeseburger seemed available to him again. All he had to do was wait a few more hours until 10am when he would have his cheeseburger, but he ran out of patience which caused him to waver and jump on a false god that didn't seem so distant, Bacon and Eggs for half price at Denny's. He completely and utterly betrayed his cheeseburger for a cheap replacement just as we sometimes fill our lives with false gods.
However, the bacon and eggs didn't fill him up like he thought it would, so he returned to his one true love, his cheeseburger. The cheeseburger waited for him patiently and proved its faithfulness in much the same way that God waits for us when we reject him for a false, unfulfilling god.
Am I grasping at straws here? Probably, but I'd like to hear your thoughts and see if any of you can better draw a parallel between the cheeseburger lover's story and our story.
if cheeseburger = God is there something about waiting until morning = resurrection?
Hmmm... Another song for another blog... Cool that you found my blog, Ben. Have a good last week of school.
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