Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Algeria, Bulgaria, Cambodia...

If that title means anything at all to you, I'll have you know I will not be singing in this post.

Anyway, Heaven is a Place on Earth is a good book, I'd recommend it to y'all.

*Chuckles to himself because he never really says "y'all"*

The Pistons allowed the series to be dragged (sp?) out to 7 (seven) games so the NBA and ABC could make more $$$. If, as Dave says, all professional sports are rigged, then why don't more series continue to 7 games? Wouldn't that be the best way to make money and keep both sets of fans happy for the longest period of time?

Donkey Kong Jungle Beat is an insane game. It's not too hard of a difficuly level but it requres great coordination because you use bongo drums rather than the normal GameCube controller. It is a lot of fun though, and very hilarious to watch someone else play.

I've got college Bible study in a little while, and the question we're tackling today has to do with whether or not what Rahab did was wrong when she lied. I'm sure our discussion will walk the lines of the issue of whether or not it was OK to hide Jews during the Holocaust. Is it alright to lie for the benefit of saving a life from a disastrous and horrific death?


I'm thinking about changing my blog template and title. Or maybe just one of them. Who knows? If you've got a cool idea for a title, drop me a comment.

Gotta go.


1 comment:

><> Sarah <> said...

Awesome song! I should really learn it- all I can remember is Zimbabwe. I commend you on the use of y'all. You would not believe the number of times I've been made fun of for slipping that word into sentences. What are your ideas for your new blog change? I think change is always good.

Wow, I'm really random.

See you at the meeting tomorrow! Four more days...