Thursday, January 05, 2006

Happy New Year (a little late, I know)

I know I haven't updated in a VERY long time, but for some reason, I've had LESS spare time than I thought I would over break.

It's been a good break. I've worked a lot, but not so much in the last week or so. Inventory is as much fun as I anticipated, which is NOT at all. We went to Detroit for Christmas to visit my dad's side of the family. By the time dinner started we had 21 people there! My parents got me a digital camera and my Aunt Candy and Uncle Randy got me a DVD player / VCR combo. I also got some cash, gift cards galore, and clothes.

My brother and I are going to a Pistons game this Saturday. We got great seats (5th row!), and it'll be the first NBA game for both us us. I can't wait!

I found out that I will not be spending near as much on gas this semester. I only have to go on M, W, and F, and my schedule is a close match with Keith's so we'll be able to carpool.

Right now I'm in the process of applying to Grace Adventures to work as a camp counselor this summer. I'm a little late in the process, so I'm really hoping and praying that they're still hiring.

On New Year's Eve, Mike, Cody(ie), Cade, David, and Dallas came over to hang out, watch football, and play Apples to Apples (another Christmas present). Good times.

New Year's night, the high school youth group, plus Dallas and me, got together one last time before most of them went back to school. We played mafia, Quip It, Apples to Apples, and a Hershey Kiss variation on spoons.

Mike got me to start watching 24, and now I've borrowed the entire first season. It's a really good TV show.

Sarah got me to watch my first Jane Austen movie, Emma. I am proud to say I made it through it without developing a proper British accent.

Rose Bowl tonight was an exciting game. I'm sick of USC winning all of the time, so it was refreshing to see Texas come back and stomp on 'em.

I talked to Pastor Jamey this week, and he said I'm all set to go on the middle school winter retreat. I'm really looking forward to being able to get to know everyone a lot better in a "non Sunday School" setting.

Well, I gotta get to bed. I've got to get up early tomorrow to go to work.

Good night.

1 comment:

><> Sarah <> said...

I hope everything works out at Grace. I would love to be a counselor! Sounds fun! Middle school retreat should be fun and you'll get to know Jamey a little better too. Keep an eye on my brother- haha. I'm so proud that you MADE it through Emma. next...Sense and Sensibility and P & P. Just kidding : ) I will admit that I really did enjoy LOTR. Talk to you later!