Monday, July 25, 2005


Why can't we all just get along?

I've been reading a web site called Way of Life that was linked to on Dave's blog. It really got my blood boiling.

How can a sect of Christians be so "anti-everyone that doesn't hold our exact beliefs"?

How is the global Body of Christ, full of diversity, supposed to be used to accomplish His purpose when we're too busy slinging mud at one another?

Some of my best Christian relationships are full of areas of belief where we don't fully agree. It's wonderful to have friends and acquaintances of other denominations, especially when the differences are set aside and the similarities are focused on.

I'm absolutely sure that my set of beliefs aren't exactly correct on every issue, so I make sure to be open-minded when I meet and discuss these things with other Christians that have different opinions. I'm fairly certain that no one's theology is exactly right, so why do we let it cause rifts and divisions between us?

My beliefs on certain issues, ie: predestination, have changed a few times over the last 4 years. As I studied God's Word and discussed it with my brothers and sisters, I've allowed my beliefs to be molded. I'm really trying to not be staunch in any of my minor doctrinal issues when I'm discussing or reading the Bible. Dave has recently said in GEW that the Bible should shape you and mold you whenever you read it. Too often, I approach the Bible with my beliefs already set so firmly in my mind that I twist the text to say what I WANT it to say so I feel the most comfortable.

So, if we can admit that we most likely don't have all of our doctrine and theology exactly correct, there should be no problem with joining together with the rest of the Body to fulfill our duties here: Represent Christ and His Kingdom to the world.

I'd like to think that we can do that as a group of Christians a lot better than as a group of Baptists or Presbyterians or Episcopalians.

I've heard teachings of a Unity with Diversity, and I see that illustrated in the trinity. Three distinct persons united into one God. If we're supposed to be image-bearers, shouldn't we also be distinct persons who unity as a single body for His purpose?

Therefore, as they say in the Pepsi One commercial, ONEIFY.


Anonymous said...

good thoughts

><> Sarah <> said...

Wow. I've subconsciously had those same thoughts the past couple of years. I get upset when I hear people talking about other denominations negatively. At the same time though, I find myself doing the same thing. I think about other Baptist churches even(ie:my grandparent's) that I make fun of because they do things a little different than Calvary. It's sad to think of the church as a group of hypocrites, but the truth is, we are. Wouldn't it be awesome if I could sit down with someone and not automatically judge them and their beliefs according to the title on their worship center?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Andrew. I needed to read this. It's encouraged me to think things over before I start making assumptions and to be more patient when talking to people that have other beliefs. Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

these were really good thoughts, andrew. i finally got around to reading into it for myself, and you were right when you said that it gets your blood boiling. i don't think the message of rock 'n roll vs. God is a good one, and it only pushes people away from the love of Christ. I was a little surprised that a community like this would have a website, though; you'd think they would think of computers as "devil boxes."
