It was a great movie. Very well done, and there were some really great performances. One of the most insignificant characters, Grandma Georgina, stole the show.
Afterward, we went to Panera Bread for lunch. We all crowded around a couple of tables and eagerly scarfed down the delicious food.
When I got home I found out that I'm going on ANOTHER "field trip" tomorrow morning. My family and I had originally thought about spending the day in Detroit for my grandma's birthday, but when her car broke down and she wouldn't be able to come from Neebish Island to Detroit, we decided against it. Then today, we changed our minds about visiting her, so we'll be leaving early in the morning to take the 6 hour trip to the middle of nowhere. There's a small chance that we'll pull up in the Rudd's property for a quick look. I hope I don't freak out some faction of the Rudds that I don't know.
The disappointing part of the trip is that I'll miss being able to present to the church what we learned in Chicago. I'll also be missing the slide show with great pictures from our trip. Dave, is there any chance you can e-mail me the powerpoint presentation?
I'll most likely return in time for GEW, so I'll see y'all there.
I feel like I'm in 6th grade again.
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